Following on the FCC’s green-lighting of the Samsung t819 3G slider last month, Samsung and T-Mobile have made the Samsung t819 officially official for T-Mobile’s US subscriber-base. Now, we’re calling this Samsung t819 a ‘3G slider’ because (1) it’s a slider and (2) it supports T-Mobile USA’s own special flavor of 3G spectrum (the 1700Mhz band, as we saw in the FCC-filing). Interestingly, T-Mobile isn’t marketing this thing as a 3G handset, instead claiming that the quad-band GSM radio maxes out with EDGE data speeds.

While the Samsung t819 is officially an EDGE-only jobby, we’ve got a sneaking suspicion that the handset will be rocking out on T-Mobile’s 3G network - once it goes live, that is. Grab your own Samsung t819 unnofficial 3G slider on T-Mobile website or at retail stores. ‘Coffee Brown’ seems to be T-Mo’s color of choice for now.
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