The Anand Kumar directed ‘Jugaad’; starring hot Hrishita Bhatt with Manoj Bajpai is among the three releases of this Friday. Hrishita informs, “Jugaad is about the ups and downs of life….”While the movie is also big time return of Manoj to the big screen.
Hrishita Bhatt was at Ahlcon Public School at their Annual Day- SAMANVAY to promote her movie-‘Jugaad’. Casually dressed in Brown Jacket and cool denims she looked stunningly hot.
The literal meaning of ‘jugaad’ is making shift arrangement/manipulation; the leading lady of the film Hrishita Bhatt seems to have a different take on the theme!
The movie star cast includes- Manoj Bajpai, Hrishita Bhatt, Vijay Raaz, Govind Namdeo and Sanjay Mishra. The movie has got three star rating from the box office.
The film circles around the well-known sealing issue that had been a hot subject in India’s capital city, Delhi in 2007-08. The story is of Sandip Kapur (Manoj Bajpai) who heads an advertising agency; who is amidst a demanding life when his problems to his life are heightened as his agency is sealed by the Muncipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD). Sandip fails to re-establish his company, despite his best efforts.
Hrishita Bhatt was at Ahlcon Public School at their Annual Day- SAMANVAY to promote her movie-‘Jugaad’. Casually dressed in Brown Jacket and cool denims she looked stunningly hot.
The literal meaning of ‘jugaad’ is making shift arrangement/manipulation; the leading lady of the film Hrishita Bhatt seems to have a different take on the theme!
The movie star cast includes- Manoj Bajpai, Hrishita Bhatt, Vijay Raaz, Govind Namdeo and Sanjay Mishra. The movie has got three star rating from the box office.
The film circles around the well-known sealing issue that had been a hot subject in India’s capital city, Delhi in 2007-08. The story is of Sandip Kapur (Manoj Bajpai) who heads an advertising agency; who is amidst a demanding life when his problems to his life are heightened as his agency is sealed by the Muncipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD). Sandip fails to re-establish his company, despite his best efforts.
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