Hot and talented actress Charmi debut in the 2002 Telugu film Nee Thodu Kaavali, in which she acted as a housewife at a mere age of 13. This film was a big flop, but helped Charmi in getting noticed by the south Indian film industry. Her next film was Kadhal Azhavatillai with Silambarasan, which was also a flop. During this time she acted in a Malayalam film directed by Vinayan named Kattuchembakam and couple more tamil films but none of them didnt do well
Sexy Charmi made her re-entry to Telugu movies happened with a film with Sreekanth which was a failure; then in Sri Anjaneyam, directed by ace director Krishna Vamsi which too was a failed attempt. It was followed by another failure with Chanti, paired against Ravi Teja. She finally got a big break in Telugu with Gowri in which she was paired with Sumanth. She didn't have to look back afterwards. The stupendous success of Mass with Nagarjuna strengthened her position in Tollywood.
Actress Charmi is now acting in malayalam with Dileep in the latest movie Aagathan directed by Kamal.
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