Awful movie, cheesy music, cheesy acting, bad directing and writing just a big mess. where to start, the dramatic music gave me a head ache like nothing else it just went on and on. Thought it was a musical for a little but no one song so I guess not. But they did dance for 5 min before the can use their powers. So anyone with 50/50 vision and a gun wins, you have 5 min shoot in their general direction bound to get a hit. Now the acting with self narration, for example a guy climbing a ladder, someone shouts out he's climbing a ladder, like the old time batman show. I was clapping at the end of the movie because I was glad it was over. I think their going to make a part two, which I won't be watching. Even if James Cameron wrote and directed it and the actors were play boy bunnies in 3D.......... Ok that's a excellent idea, anyone got James Cameron phone # let get it started :). Awful movie please don't watch it only encourages.
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